Missions: The Missions Committee is committed to the ways we are called to be Christ’s hands and feet in the world.
The Committee’s members are committed to building partnerships with each of the other ministries the congregation supports. Besides providing some financial support to these various organizations, Committee members – along with other members of the Fellowship Family – serve as Christ’s hands and feet in the community to volunteer and help where helped is needed.
For more information about the ministry partnerships the Church supports, please click here.
- The Outreach Committee loves to welcome visitors to the Fellowship Family. Committee members staff the Welcome Table on Sunday mornings and speak with newcomers to the Fellowship Family. First-time visitors are gifted with a small token as a way to say “thank you” for seeing what this congregation has to offer.
- The Outreach Committee also finds its work with those who are officially part of the Fellowship Family – its members. In conjunction with the Congregational Care Committee, the Committee supports connecting the Fellowship Family, one to another, so that relationships can continue to deepen, rooted in God’s love.
Worship and Music
The Worship and Music Committee supports the Pastor and the Music Director with many of the “behind the scenes” details that make a worship service successful.
- Since the start of the pandemic, the Committee has been working hard with current (and evolving) technologies to providing multiple streaming worship options for those who are unable to attend worship. This endeavor has allowed for many of our members to connect with worship virtually even when they are out of town and with Fellowship Family members that now reside out-of-state.
- To look at previous worship bulletins and watch previous worship services, please click here.
Faith Formation:
The Faith Formation Committee is hard at work to develop areas of Christian Education for all ages.
The Committee oversees the nursery and childcare for children up to age 5 on Sunday mornings during worship.
The Committee works in conjunction with the Worship and Music Committee to provide materials for young worshippers on the Prayground in the sanctuary.
Faith Formation comes in many forms at FPC, including:
- Sunday morning bible study and education hour for adults
- Women’s Bible Study on Tuesday evenings
- Men’s Koffee Klatch on Wednesday mornings at the local Panera Bread Company
- Children’s Activities and Sunday school for our youngest of the Fellowship Family
- A monthly book club to read some of the latest best-sellers.
Congregational Care
The Congregational Care Committee makes sure that all members of our Fellowship Family are taken care of.
- When sick or recovering from surgery, the Congregational Care Committee members make sure to reach out with phone calls and cards of care.
- Committee members alert the Pastor to the needs of those of our Fellowship Family who may need a visit or phone call.
- In conjunction with the Outreach Committee, the Committee is hard at work to ensure that members of the Fellowship Family feel connected to one another through both worship and all of the other areas of its Family’s life.

Community Life
For future events, please click here.