Ways To Give
Donate/Weekly Offering
The Fellowship Family has many ways that it gives to the community. However, it also needs to support the work of the ministry inside the walls of the building, including its staff and the ministry’s operating expenses. By giving directly to the work of the congregation, the mission and ministry of the Fellowship Family can reach even further.
School Supply Collection
The Mission Ministry Team is collecting school supplies to support the Applewood Housing Community’s children. Suggested items are located in the graphic. If you are unable to purchase the items on your own but would like to contribute, monetary donations are also being collected – a mission ministry team member will shop on your behalf. The deadline to donate is Tuesday, August 15.
Pennies for Hunger
This monthly offering is traditionally collected on the 2nd Sunday of the month, supporting the hunger-related ministries of Salem Presbytery.
The request is to set aside 2 cents per meal and provide those monies to this monthly offering.
Food Drive for Greensboro Urban Ministries
This monthly collection, traditionally occurring after worship until noon, has garnered a lot of attention and support from the local community as well.
Presbyterian Church (USA) Special Offerings
The PC(USA) has four major offerings throughout the calendar year, supporting different areas of ministry
- Christmas Joy Offering – traditionally collected during Advent, this offering supports church workers in their time of emergent needs, Presbyterain colleges, universities, and seminaries, as well as educational needs of students with racial and ethnic heritage.
- One Great Hour of Sharing – traditionally collected during Lent (usually Palm Sunday or Easter), this offering supports three areas of the denomination (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People) that focus on efforts to relieve hunger, disaster assistance, and the betterment of people’s living circumstances.
- Pentecost Offering – traditionally collected on Pentecost, this offering supports youth and young adults who are seeking to deepen their faith to inspire the church, the community, and the world, with 40% supporting local youth and young people and 60% supporting the efforts in this area of the Presbyterian Mission Agency.
- Peace and Global Witness Offering – traditionally collected on World Communion Sunday (first Sunday in October), this offering supports peacemaking efforts locally, regionally, and throughout the denomination, with 50% supporting efforts of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, 25% supporting regional peacemaking efforts, and 25% being used locally within the congregation’s efforts.