Our Mission in Three Words: Love, Learn, Lead
Love as God first loved us.
God craves to be in relationship with us and loves us as we are – no matter who we are or what we believe. We are to go out and serve, putting the love that God has for us into love for others through thoughts, words, and actions.

Just as a relationship with God is important, so are relationships with those around us. We learn with one another to grow deeper in our own faith lives. We learn about one another by sharing stories about our lives and those things that make us who we are. We learn with and about one another by praying for each other and allow ourselves to trust each other.
Learn with and about one another through Scripture and prayer.
Lead by serving as Christ’s hands and feet in the world.
Taking a page out of the famous poem by St. Teresa of Avila, Christ has no body but ours, and no hands and feet but ours. Therefore, we are called to continue the mission of Jesus Christ by serving our neighbors, whether in our congregation, just outside the church’s doors, in the greater Greensboro area, or around the world.

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The Weekly Newsletter about the goings-ons of the Fellowship Family is sent on Fridays. Please provide the information here to subscribe!